Diabetes and Gout

diabetes and gout 
a troublesome combination

Diabetes and Gout;

Of the millions of people world wide suffering Gout , there is a large proportion of sufferers who also have Diabetes.

Diabetes and Gout. This association is quite obvious for the following reasons:

Gout is associated with Obesity. 

Gout is also associated with Hypertension or high blood pressure.

Diabetes is associated with :

High blood pressure

, Obesity
( obviously high blood sugar - but I am relating this to gout at this stage) 

Both are a Metabolic Disorder

. Both have a potential genetic inheritance


Both can be partially treated by keeping your weight under control, eating low fat foods, keeping your intake of vegetables and whole grain foods up, and exercising.

 Both require a reduction of fats and oils, sugars, meat, eggs, full cream milk and poultry.

Diabetes and Gout ; Both Afflictions have different levels :

Gout :

Chronic Tophaceous


So what is Diabetes

Like gout Diabetes is a chronic condition, ( persistent or long lasting in all of its effects)
Insulin is needed to convert glucose or sugar from the food we eat into energy. People with diabetic issues generally have no production of low production of insulin causing the sugar or glucose levels to stay in our blood stream. the glucose in our blood is called glycaemia.

Pre - diabetes
This is where the fasting blood glucose os elevated higher than is considered normal levels but not high enough to be classified as Type 2 Diabetes, but can process to type 2 diabetes easily if not monitored.

Type 1 diabetes - 10 - 15% of all diabetic cases are Type 1.
Generally Type 1 diabetes can be linked to genetic inheritance. A healthy lifestyle is required to help maintain this disease.
Typical symptoms are excessive thirst, urinating more frequently,feeling hungry all the time,itching, slow healing sores and cuts, tiredness, blurry vision, mood swings, weight loss,dizziness, and leg cramps.
The gland behind the stomach is called the pancreas. The pancreas makes insulin, BUT when this gland stops making insulin, the body needs to be treated with daily injections of insulin, close monitoring of blood glucose is also required. With no insulin produced in the body, the body starts to burn is own fats. This burning of its own fat causes the accumulation  of dangerous chemicals within the blood. This is a condition known as ketoacidosis. The substances in the blood are called ketones which also appear in the urine. This can turn very toxic and cause rapid breathing, coloured cheeks,pain the the stomach, vomiting and smelly breath plus dehydration, with an unquenched thirst.
When these conditions appear immediate hospitalisation is required.

Type 2 diabetes - 85 -90% of diabetics have this form of diabetes.
The pancreas fails to produce enough insulin that your body requires, and can be maintained with a health y diet and exercise. But pills and insulin may be required for maintenance pending how bad your diet and exercise components are. Keep your weight off as much ass possible as this is a major link to type 2 diabetes, also high blood pressure can exasperate the condition. DO NOT SMOKE if you have this condition, and manage your cholesterol levels as much as possible.
The symptoms are the same as type 1 diabetes, with dehydration, excessive thirst, tiredness,hungry all the time, itchy skin, dizziness,leg cramps, headaches and mood swings.

Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is diagnosed when higher than normal blood glucose levels first appear during pregnancy. Between 3 and 8% of pregnant women will develop gestational diabetes around the 24th to 28th week of pregnancy, however, some may be earlier.

Pregnant women need two or three times more insulin than normal. If the body is unable to produce this much insulin, gestational diabetes develops.

If gestational diabetes is not well looked after it may result in problems such as a large baby, miscarriage and stillbirth.

Women who have had gestational diabetes are at an increased risk of developing
type 2 diabetes.

Juvenile diabetes
also known as insulin dependant diabetes, is the same as Type 1 diabetes except in children.

There are more forms of Diabetes so if interested then google it.

Diabetes and Gout;

Both diseases also have a connection with poor circulation of blood to the limbs.

Both have a relationship of Serum uric acid, both can be obtained by chemical exposure.

Insulin resistance in diabetes plays a significant role in the development of Gout.

So you can see there are certainly major links with these afflictions.

Both can Kill you, both can lead to a poor quality of life and both can be
maintained by a better diet and exercise.

Seek medical help and get blood tests done for both of these afflictions.
You need to learn about what can treat and what can control these diseases. You cannot do this alone, for now you must find help.

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