Gout Diet Management and Purine control

Gout diet management and controlling Purine levels is an on-

going day to day fight.

I have found that medicine combined with a strict diet works

best when a Gout attack has occurred.

The prevention of actually getting a Gout attack is the key to

understanding the body and how it is affected by Purines.

Hyperuricema ( Too Much Uric acid levels in the blood ) is

found  within the body due to the body either producing too

much uric acid or the body is unable to expel the excess

 uric acid..

The avoidance of purines in one’s diet is impossible to follow,

but certainly the ability to reduce Purine intake into the body

is essential to a sufferer and also essential as the beginning of

 Good Gout diet management.

Every so often you can have high purine level  foods but only

have very very small portions. You must try and keep away

 from Beer as this is the devil when it comes to purines.

It is hard and I admit I have a few beers here and there

but  I try not to over do it.

Make sure you have a low fat dairy diet, and always drink water

to help flush the system. Drink water before bedtime, when you

get up and during the day as much as possible. This will help

flush the system continuously.

I combine a herbal pill which is generally an extract of celery.

Apium graveolens is the name and I use the extract equivalent

 of 3 grams ( 3000mg) combined with celery seed oil of 2 mg,

every day to help maintain this horrible arthritis.

I am also experimenting with Apple Cider Vinegar which is working incredibly well

as this reduces the Ph level in my blood, plus aids in arthritic pain management.

Baking Soda
is another item I use when I have a severe attack

coming on as this acts fast, but has its own potential problems

if used regularly due to its salt content.

Gout and Weight control

To aid Good Diet management we need to look closely at studies

particularly weight control and diet.

Gout and weight control Studies conducted by Dr Hyon K. Choi

at Massachusetts Hospital in Boston have indicated that obese

men who lost 10 pounds or more in weight had a 39% lower risk

of Gout or Gout attacks compared to men who maintained a normal

body weight for their height who had a risk of Gout if their

body weight increased.

In the Archives of Internal Medicine researchers found that

subjects who were considered obese, had the risk of Gout

Attacks or developing Gout 4.41 times higher than the average

weighed man.

There is also an estimate that the risk of developing Gout was

2.31 times higher in men who had high blood pressure compared

to those with normal blood pressure.

In the same studies there was evidence that diets that are

high in dairy foods that ware rich with casein and lactalbumin,

were effective in reducing uric acid levels, hence lowering the

Gout attack factor and a Good Gout Diet management.

Low Level Purine Foods

To aid good gout diet management here is a list of low purine foods.

Carbonated Drinks







Cereals & cereal products




Refined wheat



Vitamin concentrates



( note some readers have informed me that cheese triggers their gout )

Green Vegetables

Milk Products


Tomatoes (use sparingly)




White bread


You must find an Alkalising Chart to help you decide what Gout Foods to Eat

Gout Diet Management

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My story is little bit different you know here is written that u can eat egg but my experience is that if i eat egg once i have to start suffering from …

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