Are Eggs bad for Gout?

     Are eggs bad for gout

Are Eggs bad for Gout? Well first of all lets look at what type of eggs are we talking about.

Chicken eggs are generally low in purines ( the enemy of Gout ) which in turn helps keep the uric levels low.
 I have read a fair few Gout forums and I am constantly seeing how many people are affected just by one egg per day, they seem to get gout flair-ups constantly.
 The information below will use pH levels for measurement.

pH stands for "power of hydrogen". Blood is rated at at a basic value pH 7.4
Are Eggs bad for Gout?  Well Fresh Egg whites in general are only slightly alkaline in their ph (pH7.0), but the ph can rise up to 9.4 with age due to the thickening of the whites. Storage in a refrigerator can keep the levels lower.

The pH scale is from 0 to 14. The numbers below 7 are acidic and the numbers above 7 are alkaline.
To determine if eggs are bad for Gout we need to look at how the egg is cooked, plus how it is utilized.
Cooking Whole Eggs - I will put this in an order of acidity levels first:
Fried -levels rise to around 10.00 - to 11.00
Poached- 9.1- to 10.00
Hard Boiled- from 8.00 to 9.00
Omelet - 7.6 to 8.00
Scrambled -7.48 to 7.90
Duck Eggs, Goose Eggs,Quail Eggs, Turkey Eggs - are lower in acid levels so you can use these levels and take about 1.00 off the numbers.
Now an interesting Factor appears in this area:
There are also egg replacements which can vary in levels.
Dried whole eggs are very high in acid, frozen or dried egg yolk's are also high in acidity.
Powdered egg substitutes are also very high in acidity.

Only frozen and liquid substitutes are low in acid levels.
Whole Raw eggs have an acidity level of around 9.41 which is quite high.

Jodi Schneiter the author of the Gout Haters cookbooks certainly adds eggs to many of her tested recipes but only using the egg whites.
It is recommended that a maximum intake of eggs is 3 to 4 per week.

If you do suffer from Gout from eating eggs then try using egg whites only,
It may make your food a little less colorful and a little bit boring,but you will at least eliminate the yolk's which aren't good for a Gout sufferer.

Personally I rarely eat eggs, when I do I have never suffered an attack or flare up.

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                                     Are Eggs bad for Gout

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