Can Rheumatoid Arthritis cause Gout?

Rheumatoid Arthritis

This was a recent question emailed to Gout-aware from

Michael in the Blue Mountains in Australia.

I outlined what This form of Arthritis is in the

Gout Aware Site ( Just In case CLICK HERE )

There is no real link to 'Rheumatoid Arthritis causing Gout'

but there is the possibility of having

both Gout and Arthritis at the same time.

Ouch that would be painful but it can happen.

Both can affect the joints, both have extremely

similar symptoms and effects.

Doctors only distinguish this form of Arthritis

using immunological studies such as the Rhematoid

factor, medical history studies, blood tests, etc.

Yet it is significantly rare for both diseases

to co-exist in the same person in fact there is

a negative correlation between the two.

There is a slight potential of Rheumatoid

Arthritis increasing the Serum Uric acid levels and

Monosodium depositis the body which in turn

can cause Gout attacks but this is yet to be completely linked.

There is great difficulty in establishing evidence

due to chronic tophaceous gout virtually mimicing rheumatoid arthritis.

Can Rheumatoid Arthritis cause Gout? NO confirmed evidence...

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Can Gout cause Rheumatoid Arthritis
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