Arnica Gout

arnica gout

Arnica Gout is really not a name of Gout, Arnica is a remedy of Gout Symptoms.

 is in fact a herb that is native to Siberia and Europe, but versions do grow in Northern America.

Also known as leopards-bane, wolfsbane and European arnica, mountain daisey, mountain tobacco.

Arnica contains oils such as thymol ( antifungal, oral and intestinal antiseptic ) and thymol ether, arnidiol and faradiol, flavone glycosides and carotenoid pigments, sesquiterpene lactones, flavonoids ( potent antioxidants ) , and mucilage.

The reason I have listed this Herb is for the fact of its medicinal purposes for helping Gout.

Both Europeans and Indians have used Arnica for fighting Gout symptoms, back ache, feet aches, fevers, and treating bruises and inflammation, sleeping problems, shock and trauma, impotence, cramps, forgetfulness, travel sickness, rheumatism and even baldness.

Arnica has been known to help stimulate white blood cells, and used as a compression or as a poultice on Gouty affected areas, it can even be taken as a Tea.

Over 200 years ago The founder of Homeopathy Samuel Hahnemann discovered the great healing powers or Arnica.
He discovered that Arnica excites the skin, raises the action of the heart, and stimulates the kidneys and skin.
For the treatment of Rheumatism and Gout , Arnica is to be used in Acute forms for help fever and control joint inflammation, and also lessens the danger of any cardiac problems.

Other known relief uses for Arnica are:

Bee and wasp stings
pressure from stitches
Low pulse rate
Sleep apnoea
Twitching muscles
Neck pain
Stiffness etc.

Arnica comes in forms such as Gels, tablets , tunicures, pellets, creams, sprays and ointments.

You must check with your Doctor of Pharmacist before using Arnica for Gout in any form as it is yet to be FDA approved and at this stage is considered an unsafe herb that is only allowed for food use in alcoholic beverages where it is used as a flavouring enhancer.

There are poisons within Arnica such as helenalain, carbohydrates- inulin, and other suspect compounds such as betaine, choline, courmarins.

Also inform your Health Practitioner about any other prescription and non prescription medications you are using,if considering using arnica, and dont forget to inform them of any skin medications because they all link.

If topical Arnica has been swallowed then contact your local Hospital / poison center or for your nations national poison hotline for further action to be taken.

You must use only prescribed versions of this Herb as there are dangers involved.

The Mexican version from the Arnica Hetetotheca inuloides contains strong hydroxy-3,dihydrocadalin and hydroxycadalin compounds.

Topical Arnica is dangerous if used on broken skin or open wounds, and some people are extremely allergic to Arnica and can have reactions such as ashmatic attacks and conjunctivitis. There are other reactions such as rhinitis, urticaria, bronchospasm and anaphylaxis.

It is a member of the daisey family and can be dangerous to pregnant women.

An overdose can be fatal.

Arnica Gout is to be taken seriously. Remember Arnica Gout is not a Gout form but a form to fight Gout.
So be Gout Aware and make sure you read all the instructions given, do not miss a dose and double up on the next one, make sure you see a Health Practitioner or a doctor before going ahead and using Arnica.

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      Arnica Gout

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