Colchicine a potential cure for Gout

Colchicine a potential cure for gout - but it comes with a warning.

Colchicine is the recommended medication for severe gouty arthritis. Though the medication is beneficial for gout treatment plans, there is a lot that is not popularly understood about it. For example, exactly how it really works, from where exactly it comes from, how does it help alleviate gout, and its long term side effects.

Here are some facts:

1 - It is an organic compound taken from the dehydrated seeds of Genus colchicum autumnale, sometimes known as the meadow saffron or autumn crocus. The use of the Colchicum organic compound for the treating of acute gouty arthritis goes back to 1810. The healing benefits of colchicum was documented back in the first century A.D. it has already been used to cope with health conditions other than gout symptoms, such as:
•    Amyloidosis.
•    Behcet's disease.
•    Psoriasis.
•    Familial Mediterranean fever.
•    Paget's disease.
•    Carditis.
•    Pseudogout.
•    biliary and hepatic cirrhosis.

2 - It is to be taken orally or by injection.
It is available in two common levels - 0.5 mg and 0.6 mg tablets. The medication is also on offer intravenously however there is a probability of powerful toxicity using a method other than swallowing a simple tablet.

3 - It  has anti-inflammatory attributes but its benefit for kinds of serious pain other than gout arthritis is low. Although it is widely seen as successful for the treatment of severe gout, it is not beneficial for all levels of pain, although not  considered a painkiller. It also does not improve uric acid reduction or removal.

4 - Colchicine works differently from many other painkillers or anti-inflammatory medication.
It adheres to proteins in the microtubules of neutrophils, a specific classification of white blood cells. By constricting them, the neutrophils cannot move to the affected area or add to uric acid crystals in the location. It has a restrictive power that helps to reduce severe gout attacks, thereby minimizing pain and distress that comes with gout.

5 - Can be prescribed as a preventative if taken between gout attacks.
The standard dosage to alleviate a gout affliction is 1 to 1.2 milligram (two 0.5 milligram or perhaps two 0.6 milligram pills). This is to be taken until soreness is reduced or until diarrhea develops.
You must seek medical advice on this drug.

6 - Colchicine may be administered constantly as a preventative medication. In sufferers who have lower than one gout episode annually, the typical dosage is 0.5 or 0.6 milligrams a day, three to four days a week. For people who have far more than one attack annually, the most common dose is 0.5 or alternatively 0.6 milligrams daily. Extreme sufferers may need two to three 0.5 milligram or 0.6 milligram pills daily. Exceeding this dosage will only cause other problems that are unrelated to the gout condition , and please what ever you do ask your doctor about long term usage side effects or does it affect other medicines you may be also taking.

7 - Negative reactions can take place with colchicine intake and it is vital that you are aware of possible dangers or effects from taking this medicine.
Some of these problems may be int he form of:
Bone marrow problems, with aplastic anemia, along with agranulocytosis or with thrombocytopenia may manifest in sufferers getting persistent treatment.
Other potential negative responses include peripheral inflammation,  purpura myopathy, excessive hair loss and temporary sterility.
Queasiness, loose stools, and nausea are adverse effects that could occur alongside colchicine therapy, particularly when maximum dosages are needed.

8 - There is no reasonable and well-controlled study of this drug when used by expectant mothers.
I strongly recommend not taking this if pregnant unless you have 2 doctors opinions and feel safe with their advice.

 It can halt cell division therefore, it might be a huge risk to take it when pregnant. Extreme caution should also be practiced whenever it is given to a woman that is breastfeeding.

9 - It should not be utilized by patients with certain known conditions.
It should not be used by an individual with a known sensitivity to the medication, or by a patient with serious stomach, kidney, hepatic, or heart dysfunctions. Furthermore, individuals with blood disorders should not depend on the drug as a suitable treatment option.

10 - Colchicine requires a prescription provided by your physician.
It is a prescription medicine and is only on offer in generic form. It is suggested that to reduce negative effects, the drug should be consumed with food as this will reduce possible damage to stomach lining, production of ulcers etc.



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