Lemongrass Gout Cure

Lemongrass Gout Cure.

Yep. Unusual and possibly an extremely helpful gout remedy.

Native to India, Lemongrass has been used for centuries as a medicinal tea elixir.

Lemongrass contains vitamins A and C, folate, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese; with minute traces of the B vitamins, and there are many varieties of Lemongrass which all contain Citral which is used to make citronella oil. Citral aids in cleansing the kidney, liver, pancreas, digestive tract, bladder etc and removes unwanted toxic substances through the urine.

Lemongrass is a wonderful herb used in Asian cooking.
·    It has good calming effect and is consumed during periods of stress and insomnia.
·    Lemongrass is also known as Fever grass due to its property of relieving fever, body aches and colds.
·    It is proven to be antibacterial and anti fungal. Sometimes, it is used as a mild insect repellent.
·    It regular consumption helps in cleansing and detoxifying the liver, kidneys, digestive system, urinary tract and pancreas.
·    It helps relive indigestion and gastroenteritis.
·    It has the quality of cutting down uric acid, hence is suggestive in the treatment of Gout.
·    Lemongrass removes the "bad" cholesterol from our body and improves blood circulation. Therefore it must be consumed by people having Heart disease.
·    It also increases lactation and helps relieve menstrual pain and nausea.
·    Its regular consumption improves skin texture by reducing acne, pimples and oil secretion. Thus it is a muscle and skin toner.

The biggest benefits of using Lemongrass Gout cure is the drinking of lemongrass tea helps reduce the acidity in the body, and also reduces stress.

The Simple Lemongrass Gout Cure

A simple Lemongrass Gout cure is Lemongrass Tea.

Simply cut lemongrass in to 1 inch long pieces,make sure it is fresh and cut up about a 1/4 of a cup. Use most of the green parts, leaf and root, but the main concentrated goodness is in the white bits, so make sure you use this area.

Get a saucepan and add two large cups of water.

Add the Cut up lemongrass and boil for 3 minutes.

Leave to cool

Strain and drink

You can add ginger or honey for taste.

You can juice lemongrass but this requires a gear juicer or a masticating juicer, which tears the rough leaves to a pulp.

Lemongrass  is a good source of vitamins A and C, folate, magnesium, zinc, copper, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium and manganese; with minute traces of the B vitamins, aiding in the reduction of uric acid, which in tun reduces gout.

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I am gout sufferer for almost 12 years today i can only walk if I take painkiller all the time. Please give me your advise on how to eliminate my suffering …

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