Chocolate Orac and Gout

Chocolate Orac and Gout - What the?

Chocolate Orac and Gout

Can Chocolate ORAC be used to decrease or stop your gout attacks.
At the moment the internet is going crazy with people claiming to be
 cured of their gout by eating ORAC Chocolate..

About Chocolate Orac and Gout:

Can ORAC Chocolate be used to decrease or stop your gout attacks. At the moment the internet is going crazy with people claiming to be cured of their gout by eating ORAC Chocolate.
So lets have a closer look at what ORAC is:


Chocolate Orac and Gout:

ORAC is a way of measuring the antioxidant ( non-nutrient compounds) levels in certain products.
At the moment the USDA or United States Department of Agriculture and the EFSA or European Food Safety Authority are publishing guidelines and regulations with regards to antioxidants. They have established that is it illegal to imply potential health benefits on product labelling that contain high levels or ORAC.

The following information is from Wikipedia:

Chocolate Orac and Gout:

Food sources Scientists with the United States Department of Agriculture have voluntarily published (i.e. USDA does not authorize these values) lists of ORAC values for plant foods commonly consumed by the U.S. population (fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, spices, grains, etc.).[3] Values are expressed as the sum of the lipid soluble (e.g. carotenoid) and water-soluble (e.g. phenolic) antioxidant fractions (i.e., “total ORAC”) reported as in micromoles Trolox equivalents (TE) per 100 gram sample, and are compared to assessments of total polyphenol content in the samples. USDA data on foods with high ORAC scores Food Serving size Antioxidant capacity per serving size. Units are Total Antioxidant Capacity per serving in units of micromoles of Trolox equivalents.

Raw unprocessed Cocoa bean - 100 grams -28,000
Chokeberry -100 grams - 16,062
Small Red Bean - ½ cup dried beans - 13,727
Wild blueberry -1 cup - 13,427
Red kidney bean - ½ cup dried beans -13,259
Pinto bean - ½ cup - 11,864
Blueberry - 1 cup (cultivated berries) - 9,019
Cranberry - 1 cup (whole berries) -8,983
Artichoke hearts -1 cup, cooked - 7,904
Blackberry -1 cup (cultivated berries) -7,701
Prune - ½ cup - 7,291
Raspberry - 1 cup - 6,058
Strawberry - 1 cup - 5,938
Red Delicious apple - 1 apple - 5,900
Granny Smith apple - 1 apple - 5,381
Pecan - 1 oz- 5,095
Sweet cherry - 1 cup - 4,873
Black plum - 1 plum - 4,844
Russet potato - 1, cooked - 4,649
Black bean[disambiguation needed ] - ½ cup dried beans - 4,181
Plum - 1 plum - 4,118
Gala apple - 1 apple - 3,903
Pomegranate - 100 grams - 2,860

Chocolate Orac and Gout:
With nearly all vegetables, conventional boiling can reduce the ORAC value by up to 90%, while steaming retains more of the antioxidants.[13] [edit] Comparisons of ORAC values When comparing ORAC data, care must be taken to ensure that the units and food being compared are similar. Some evaluations will compare ORAC units per gram of dry weight, others will evaluate ORAC units in wet weight and still others will look at ORAC units per serving. Under each evaluation, different foods can appear to have higher ORAC values. For example, although a raisin has no more antioxidant potential than the grape from which it was dried, raisins will appear to have a higher ORAC value per gram of wet weight than grapes due to their reduced water content.
Likewise, large water content in watermelon can make it appear as though this fruit is low in ORAC. Similarly, the typical quantity of food used should be considered; herbs and spices may be high in ORAC, but are applied in much smaller quantities than for other foods.[14] Numerous health food and beverage companies and marketers have capitalized on the ORAC rating by promoting products claimed to be "high in ORAC". As most of these ORAC values have not been independently validated or subjected to peer review for publication in scientific literature, they remain unconfirmed, are not scientifically credible, and may mislead consumers. [edit]

Thank you Wikipedia: Now a general rule of thumb is that the daily antioxidant intake should be between 3,000 and 5,000 ORAC pending the size and fitness of the person. The fitter you are then the higher the dosage of antioxidant you require.
Chocolate has a ORAC score per 100 grams of:
Raw Cacao - 28,000
Dark Chocolate - 13,120
Milk Chocolate - 6,740
Could this potential gout cure be a scam? The only way it seems to buy it is through MLM affiliates who then increase the price to make a tidy profit. So far research has shown that the most popular brand is Xoçai (pronounced "show sigh"). And the product is not cheap. Gout aware is not affiliated with this brand at all. So you will have to do your homework on the internet to find a friendly dealer in your country or state.
So if you are a Chocolate lover and have Gout. Why not experiment and try this potential gout cure out.

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