By Kamya Charles from Uganda


My name is Charles. I am 46 yr old man from Kampala, Uganda. About 14 years ago, i felt some pain in my left hand fingers. It was winter season when i was in Japan. I thought this due to cold as i used bike, but after one month in winter, it began to increase in my big toe then to the ankels and then to all joints. I started to feel cold in summer even when well covered(but not fever). when pain raised to some alarming point, i went back to Uganda and consulted an orthopedic doctor. he advised me to take a test of Uric acid.
I started taking allopurinal but until now i am experiencing a number of episodes.

I feel pain all over my body including head. I am still feeling weakness. i feel muscle stiffness and feel dizziness. The pain has of recent gone to the spine.
Please help me to get rid of this disease.
I will be thankful.

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Nov 22, 2011
joint problem, gout
by: tony

my good freind you should read up on the net about a new naturaul therapy called 35 percent food gade hydrogen peroxide its exstreamly cheap all natuarl and it should take care of your problem . after all i have been on this treatment for 1.5 yr. know i lost 40 lb. no pain of any joints drug free for 1yr. now check it out and email back too [email protected]

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