Gout Sufferer recommends Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey for Gout

by Philippines Gout

I am a 30 Year old Gout sufferer and now live in the Philippines, I was told about the ACV before I came over here and so I bought a load with me but when I arrived there is tonnes of the stuff here in 2-3 litre bottles.

I keep a small plastic drinks bottle made up with 50-50 ACV and Honey in the minibar and each morning have a dose. (I am sure the room maid thinks this is a little strange :)

I eat as much shell fish and drink more beer than I should and as yet I have not had any problems.


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May 31, 2018
acv vs other vinegars for gout
by: Anonymous

Have you tried sukang iloco or filipino white vinegar? I have a cousin suffering with gout there near Davao where the recommended acv is costly. I'm thinking that he should try lots of lemon or kalamansi &/or the local vinegars.

Jun 09, 2010
Organic ACV in the philippines
by: Raul

iam a gout sufferer too and i heard about apple cider vinegar (the organic one and with the mother)but no idea where to buy it...could hardly find here in zamboanga city the organic ACV...any information or in contact with would be appreciated and help me a lot..thanks.
[email protected]

Hi Raul,


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