Gout Sufferer

by Jason

I am a gout sufferer for 13 years. The first attack was in the ankle and then other places in the foot and now it hits the knees too.

Attacks usually are a result of a combination of alcohol consumption, dehydration, ingestion of copious animal protein, rapid weight loss, long airplane rides and poor sleep, etc. Mostly due to travel and the lifestyle changes from a normal routine.

I take colchicine that I get in my international travels. I picked up 300 0.6 tabs in New Zealand for $20. I also get Artridol in Mexico. A course of five tabs usually thwarts an attack. 2 tabs the night of before bedtime, 1 next AM 1 next PM and one the following day to cycle off.

I have tried all the home remedies but my compliance falls off and bad habits ensue. My next attempt at management will be a cocktail of apple cider vinegar and tart cherry juice followed by a big glass of water.

I have also considered potassium bicarbonate in 1-2 gram doses at bedtime. I have a potassium deficiency and have been prescribed K supplements. I figure I'll take it as Bicarbonate. Sodium bicarbonate is easier to obtain but high in sodium which I already ingest too much of. The demon crystals are comprised of monosodiumurate after all so a low sodium diet makes sense.

My attacks have gone down significantly since I reduced my consumption of gluten. Gluten seems to be one of the triggers for an attack or at episode of tinge. I call the onset of symptoms that do not manifest an attack a tinge.

I'm tinging in my right knee following a full blown limper/sleep depriver in my my left knee that is winding down as the result of a colchicine and artridol smackdown.

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Feb 18, 2013
Seekin Physician Assistance
by: Anonymous

Certainly see a specialist. Bring copies of your on line research to discuss with the physician. Be honest about your lifestyle choices. Request a drug free solution or course of therapy first.

Feb 16, 2013
confius about the treatment of gout
by: aman 76

i,am 36 years,first i got attack 7years ago..but the doctor didn't give me the therapy to reduce uric asid...then the attack come n go,i just go and buy colchicine 20-30tab and difocne sodium..to reduce the pain..but just 2 month ago the attack more often,then i decide to check my uric asid level...the result very bad is 10.6mmg..the doctor give me the allopurinol 100mg for first month and follow up 200mg this month...since i took the allopurinol the attack keep coming..on my right and left angkle..switch off..i also sometime got feel breathless after i take the colchine...or maybe the effect of the allopurinol..i feel my left chest under rib also pain....anybody can give explaination?????i planing to go see specilist doctor for gout treatment.....

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