
 Hypertension is a condition in which the arteries are elevated and blood is circulated in the body at a higher rate than normal. The blood pressure forces the blood against the vessel blood walls and with the high pressure it makes the heart pump faster, forcing faster blood flow and potential heart attacks and strokes to occur. 

Hypertension can be of two types-.

·      Primary

There is mainly 90-95% of the total population which is suffering from hypertension. If high blood pressure occurs as a young adult, it can steadily grow with age into a major sickness. When environmental factors and natural genes interact with each other in a complex way, hypertension takes place. There are various factors of environment which helps in resulting rise in the blood level.

·      Secondary :  the left 5-10% of the majority of people suffers from secondary affliction. There is no definite factor or cause which can be blamed for resulting secondary hypertension. Many endocrine problems like- hyperthyroidism or syndrome in medical terms and other very common causes which lead you to hypertension are- restlessness, lack of sleep, pregnancy, consumption of liquor in excess.

There are various causes which also lead  towards this ailment and many doctors suggest to avoid the following.

Ø  When your body is over-weight, it results in increasing your blood pressure level as your heart needs double strength to work on something.

Ø  When sugar level or diabetes in your body are high.

Ø  If there is no physical activity done by you.

Ø  Excess of smoking tobacco or drinking alcohol

Ø   Consumption of salt in high percentage leads to increase the level of hypertension which leads to many risks of life.

Ø  When your body does not consume calcium and potassium or magnesium in proper quantity.

Ø  Lack of vitamin D in the body is found.

Ø  When your mind thinks too much about something and starts taking stress about it.

Ø  For females, if you regularly take birth control, there is a higher chance of hypertension with age.

Ø  If you are suffering from tumors, thyroid, or kidney related problems, Hypertension may be also involved.

Ø  Gout can be a side effect of taking Diuretic medicines as these medicines can increase Uric acid levels


To have the best chance fighting hypertension, one needs to;


·      Reduce stress

·      Keep a health Body weight and body mass index

·      Stop smoking

·      Exercise regularly

·      Reduce alcohol consumption

·      Reduce salt intake

·      Reduce fatty foods

·      Eat high fibre diet

·      Eat more fruits and vegetables

·      Take a low dose antihypertensive medication to reduce effects

·      Get regular blood tests and health checks

·      If you suffer from Gout and have Hypertension then you require to ;

·      Have a Kidney function test

·      Regular blood tests looking at Uric acid levels and other organ functions

·      A urine test

Always seek medical attention for Hypertension and gout.



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