Multiple Factors of Gout

by Kashif
(Karachi, Pakistan)

My name is Kashif. I am 33 yr old man from Karachi, Pakistan. About 2 years ago, i felt some pain in my left hand fingers. It was winter season. I thought this due to cold as i use bike, but after some months in the mid summer, it began to increase in my left leg. when pain raised to some alarming point, i consulted an orthopedic doctor. he advised me to take a test of Uric acid.
Since then i am using Zyloric 600 mg, Calcium supplement, Multivitamins, Diclofenac sodium 100mg and Naproxen 40mg daily,in addition i also took homeopathic medication, as i was not getting relief from zyloric.....Homeopathic medication give me a good relief.(it takes a long time). I used olive oil to rub and 1 tea spoon baking soda to reduce acidity. It helped me a lot.

Despite all of these medications, I had many episodes of pain during two years. I feel pain all over my body including head. I am still unable to do any type of work. i feel weakness. i feel muscle stiffness. I feel as i am going to die of this pain and its medication. I have two little children and I don't want to die at this stage.
Please help me to get rid of this disease.
I will be thankful.

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