Nightime poor breather

I had gout once. I went online to figure out why. What I read about seafood and alchohol made no sense to me because at the time I was on a vegetarian diet. But then I read something about poor breathing at night and gout. That made sense because I had been suffering a cold the night I came down with gout. Also I have a deviated septum which sometimes interferes with my night breathing. I often get cramps in my feet, ankles and calves. I am certain this is due to poor breathing in my sleep because when I awake with a cramp, I take deep breaths and the cramps go away in a few minutes. It helps me to use a nose device called "Breathe Right" that opens my nose more and helps me breathe at night. Also, I believe that wine with it's sulphites causes me to have restricted breathing where my breathing at night doesn't flow in and out as freely as it should. I should stop drinking wine, but I love wine. I also use an inhaler that improves my breathing when I drink too much wine. Anyhow that's my story and I hope it helps someone put together the pieces to their gout problem or whatever.

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Feb 02, 2015
Gout and Apnea
by: Peter

I can relate to your symptoms, whilst I have sleep apnea. I reduced it by losing a lot of weight. Every kilo overweight is about a mm of air way blockage in your throat.
I still get the odd apnea attack which is caused by alcohol.
Alcohol relaxes the air passage, when you are on your back sleeping this is when you are likely to get an attack.
Remember you must really look at sleep apnea and your health, because the body sends out massive adrenalin to wake you up out of REM when you stop breathing. This adrenalin can cause a heart attack when you get older. Also it is a fact that the lack of oxygen to the body over time will cause effects such as brain damage, falling to sleep when driving and the potential to allow cancer to grow as it loves a low oxygen environment to grow in.
With regards to your cramps, try magnesium pills. And try this when you have a cramp. Put your thumb inside your mouth under your nose and pinch
your top lip from both sides and hold until the cramp goes away. It is an acupressure position which works.

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