Quick Gout Recovery

by Barry Lawrence
(Thomasville, NC)

I have had numerous gout attacks many lasting for weeks. I had been standing on a ladder doing some painting and the next day, I could feel it coming on. I went to a medical clinic and they gave me a cortisone shot. I went home and began drinking an 8oz glass of water every 20 minutes until I began to urinate. I then began to drink another glass every time I urinated. In less than 24 hours, I was back to normal.
This has HAPPENED TO ME THE LAST 3 TIMES AND IT WORKS. the only problem is the doctors will not treat you for gout this way as it is not protocol. You must tell them you have hurt yourself to get the shot.
It seems that the swelling allows the crystals to get locked in the joint somehow. By using the cortisone to decrease the swelling, and using the water increase, you can flush it clean.
Good Luck!

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Dec 09, 2010
ER visit
by: Neeko

I had an attack in my knee for the first time while at work. I had to finish my shift but the pain was so sharp when I got home at 12:30 A.M. I tried to take a shower but could not get my clothes off. So I went to the ER for a shot. Guess what Dr. said there is nothing I can do for you. She said I was not in enough pain. I was but I've been through this before and like to think I'm tough. Well if you go to the ER you have to play it up!

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