Tez's gout attack

by Terry Molloy
(Kent UK)

Well yesterday 25 sep 11 I hoped on a BIKE for the first time in 8 months. I was with 3 other guys, one who rides every day. 'Lets do 30 clicks was the cry' 'Hold it there' I said 'don't forget I ain't been on a bike for months'.
Well 25 clicks latter we got back to our drinking hole.
I was was completely shattered and the first beer never touched the sides of my mouth. 2 hours later and another 2 beers I cycled home had a swim in the pool, a shower and some grub and sat and watched some telly.
By 10 I was wrapped up in bed and away with the stars.
5 am the alarm went off and I stepped up out of the bed, left foot first. Wow it was as if some one was using a branding rod on the sole of my foot. I nearly hit the ceiling. My wife woke and panicked and run around thinking it was the end of the world and me. I managed to get to work because I was better off there then at home. I made my way over to the clinic and the Doc said gout my son. So I am on my second dose of Voltaren and a muscle relax Mydocalm.
And certainly need calming.
Let you know how things worked out.

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