Acai Helps Gout

acai helps gout

Acai helps Gout and could be the new Gout fighter.

The amazon rain-forest seems to be supplying more and more new medicines available to man.

Discoveries of berries and herbs are popping up everywhere, but one is becoming more popular for Gout sufferers.

It is called Acai, or Acai Berry... pronounced ( ah-sigh-ee) a purple berry which grows on palm trees.

The Acai palm can grow up to 25 mtrs or 82 feet high.

It is a tall slender pal that comprises of seven different species, now grown commercially throughout South America.

If you have certain Pollen allergies, or are sensitive to acai or similar berries, you may want to avoid this fruit. When eaten in moderate amounts, though, acai is likely safe.

According to Mayo Clinic,

Acai berries contain antioxidants, fiber and heart-healthy fats. They may have more antioxidant content than other commonly eaten berries, such as cranberries, blueberries and strawberries. But, research on acai berries is limited, and claims about the health benefits of acai haven't been proved.

And, many fruits besides acai berries provide antioxidants and other nutrients that are important to your health. If you'd like to try acai, check your local health food or gourmet stores — acai can be consumed raw, in tablet form, in beverages such as juice, smoothies or energy drinks, or in other food products such as jelly or ice cream.

Acai is safe to consume, as long as you're not allergic to the fruit. But, use caution when consuming products made with acai that may have other ingredients, such as caffeine.

If you're taking amounts of acai higher than you'd normally eat as food, such as in dietary supplements, be sure to check with your doctor. This is especially important for people taking medications for high cholesterol or diabetes, and for people with kidney disease, as large amounts of acai might affect the management of these conditions.

It's also important to let your doctor know that you've been eating acai berries if you're scheduled to have a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) test. Very large doses of acai might affect the results of MRI scans.

The Acai berry has massive nutritional qualities containing :


Omega fatty acids


Amino Acids


Vitamins and minerals

Flavonoids ( anthocyanins )


Just with these above qualities acai helps gout.
The fruit can be beneficial for the health of any individual and Gout sufferers due to its antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic cancer fighting qualities, also cardiovascular function improvement with oxygen absorption qualities, also it is a natural laxative, and beneficial for weight loss.

The listed items above all are beneficial. Most of the Acai products sold at the moment are in a juice form or a concentrate form. So get on to amazon or your health food store for this potential wonder drug to help alleviate Gout.

YOU Must be aware that there are no real studies completed the Acai berry, yes it is and has been a food source of South American natives, but you need to be aware of scams on the internet pushing massive health benefits of this berry, just be informed and research any products you are looking at buying. The berry only has a life expectancy of 24 hours after picking so it should be frozen or dried immediately to prolong its life.

It may help reduce free radicals, and aid anti aging, and is rich in antioxidants, just be sure when buying these products that they are what they say they are. GOOGLE IT...

Gout Aware does not sell or supply names to find your Acai products.

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Sambazon Acai original for gout Not rated yet
I have gout and I often drink Sambazon Acai original organic drink for about 3 days and my pain is gone. Better than any medication and pain killers. But …

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Acai Helps Gout

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