Antibiotics brought on a Gout attack! ( Cipiro)

by Tyler

I recently had a horrible bug that kept me vomiting for 4 days. The doc prescribed me some Cipiro to combat it. By the second morning of taking the meds I was in a full blown gout attack. I hadn't had a gout since January (3 months earlier). I began to take baking soda that same morning of my first twinge. The next day I could still feel it in my toe but it is not on fire as much. So be aware that certain antibiotics CAN trigger a attack!

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Aug 04, 2023
Cipro XL Caused a Possible Gout Flare Up
by: Anonymous

Took Cipro XL antibiotic for 2 days for epididimytis but then the first 2 days I took Cipro both my calves swelled up for 2 hours after taking it and kept swelling up on and off. Then, my left knee that had previous injury, got horrible pain and I had to stay off my fee for almost 1.5 months to get it back to normal enough to walk. The meniscus feels swollen inside and my thigh and calf feel very sore. My uric acid is high, but this specifically started only after the Ciprofloxacin antibiotic. So I only took it for 2 days. Luckily I stopped it early. Turns out I have varicocele vein and it wasn't epididimytis pain.

Nov 16, 2022
Pseudogout and Augmentin
by: Trish

I experienced severe knee pain -- at night only -- during the first two days of Augmentin treatment. On the afternoon of day 3, I went to the ER because of unbearable knee pain. I was diagnosed with Pseudogout/CPPD which results from calcium crystal deposits in the joints. The hospital aspirated *some* of the synovial fluid from the knee joint but I could not walk by myself for almost a week until my orthopedic doctor was able to aspirate the remaining fluid. I've taken Amoxicillin since so perhaps it was the Clavunate mixed with the Amoxicillin.

I can't be certain that it was the Augmentin but I will never take it again.

May 17, 2022
Amoxicillin and amoxicillin clav
by: Anonymous

So I have had two crippling gout attacks in two weeks, first a day after taking antibiotics to clear a bacterial infection in my throat. First was a 5 day run of amoxicillin, severe gout pain ensued for about 11 days that 5 days of prednisone did not touch but did subside to tolerable level after the 9th day with colchicine and indomethecin. Stopped taking colch and indometh due to stomach issues. Then throat infection was back so was prescribed amoxicillin clavulanate to fully clear it, severe gout pain ensued within 24 hours in same place in left foot. I’ve basically stopped drinking all wine, red meat, fish and other trigger foods for two weeks so seems directly correlated to antibiotics. Have an annual check up in 3 weeks and had blood work done today so interested to see result of Uric acid levels during a huge flare up. 6’1 200lbs, 47yrs old. Generally healthy and active

Nov 18, 2019
Gout attack after taking Augmentin
by: Prasad

Augmentin contains two drugs: amoxicillin and clavulanic acid. This combination makes Augmentin work against more types of bacteria than antibiotics that contain amoxicillin alone. I had taken this medicine 2 times for 5 days to get rid of my Cough.

On 5th day morning when I woke up I could not walk due to severe pain in my left ankle. My phisio asked me to check my serum uric acid which was fould to be 6.9. My condition was diagnized as gout and am taking medicine for it. This is almost a week now. I am feeling better.

I am male, 51 yrs age. I am a vegetarian. I never had uric acid problem. I really am surprised, how gout happened to me. I really do not have any clue whether it is due to the antibiotic medication.

Oct 20, 2019
Gout & Antibiotics
by: Anonymous

So yes-- I understand my immune system waz outta whack ,but the minute the antibiotics got in my system---I ended up with a painful attack in my left foot. I had really bad allergic reaction to wearing nitrile gloves and woumd claw my arms in my sleep. It eventually turned to cellulitis and then to a couple of abcesses. Immediately after I had a root canal and my Dentist prescribed abtiviotics -- Clindomyacin for the tooth. I shieed hom my arms from the allergy/abcesses and asned for extra tp address it. AS SOON AS THEY WERD IN MY SYSTEM I GOT A MISERABLE ATTACK. AS SOON AS THEY WERE OUT THE ATTACK GOT BETTER. Anybody can say what tbey will , but I'm positive that this is what caused such a horrible flareup that my colchocine would not help. Be careful with your gput and antibiotics

May 12, 2019
by: Anonymous and gout attacks

Yup .. didn’t realise that antibiotics could trigger a gout attack! I’m taking allupunanol 200mg per day , prescribed a 5 day pack of 500mg Amoxicillin and now in 7th day of a bad attack .. there definitely is a correlation

May 05, 2019
Gout it
by: Anonymous

Listen engineer, you are dumb as a box of rocks. You don't know shit about what you are saying. These people are not just saying this when they have been through this kind of pain. I just had a laceration to my leg, received stitches and the good doctor subscribe me antibiotics. Two days later guess what gout in knee and ankle and it hurts like hell! Stick with whatever engineering you do.

Dec 19, 2018
Antibiotics triggered my gout
by: Chuck

I had a chest cold that I couldn’t shake. After about two weeks I got a a Rx of Azthizamyicine. At the end of the second day the cold was better but by the next morning I had gout. The antibiotic was the only thing that could have triggered it. My last bout was over two years before.

Aug 20, 2018
Antibiotics and gout
by: Anonymous

I’m the same I was given a double strength antiobiotic for a chest infection and the next day I had this horrible swelling and pain in my small toe p. I’ve been to Dr today and she diagnosed as gout. Asked about my diet lifestyle etc, which is pretty good as I’m a fitness instructor and nutrition coach but could not see the link between medication and onset. Hoping it’s a once off.

Aug 18, 2018
Antibiotics brought on gout attack
by: Anonymous

I was diagnosed with bronchitis the doctor prescribed a zpack the problem day 3 into the medication I had my Ist gout attack in my knee in 2 years

Jan 08, 2018
Antibiotics trigger my gout
by: Anonymous

Antibiotics trigger my gout. It’s happened enough times to me that I’m a believer. In fact the first time I had an attack was just after a Z pack. But it happens cosistanlly. I’m in an attack right now and just finished a round of Amoxicillan.

Aug 20, 2009
Antibiotic induced gout attack
by: Anonymous

I have been gout free for years after being on allopurinal. Started taking Azithromycin (5 day pack) for a chest infection. After first day, gout twinges in both big toes.

Jun 15, 2009
Probably dehydration, not the antibiotics for the gout
by: Anonymous

You said you were vomiting for 4 days, so it is possible or even likely that you were dehydrated to some extent from the vomiting. From what I understand, that would make uric acid concentrations higher, increasing the probability of a gout attack and the antibiotics were just along for the ride.

Just an opinion from an engineer, not a doctor.

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