Baking Soda and Gout

by Science teacher

Your article implies that baking soda and baking powder are the same thing. They're not. Baking soda is essentially pure sodium bicarbonate. When mixed with water it forms an alkaline (basic) solution, raising the pH note capitalization of the water.

Baking powder is a mixture (blend) of baking soda and some weak organic acid. When mixed with water and heated (as in baking), the two react to neutralize each other and release a gas (which causes dough to rise). In order for baking soda to have the same effect on dough, the cook must add something acidic, such as tartaric acid or buttermilk, to the dough mixture. Ergo, the reason for buying baking powder rather than baking soda for use in baking.

Baking soda, not powder, is occassionally recommended as a remedy for acid indigestion. I know of no reason to think it may be beneficial for gout. I can think of a lot of reasons NOT to take it internally except on the adivce of a doctor.

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Nov 13, 2012
Baking soda & Gout
by: Anonymous

He did not confuse baking soda and baking powder... you read it wrong.

Jan 30, 2012
Baking Soda and Baking Powder for a Gout remedy
by: Peter

Dear science teacher, you were right, there was an incorrect mention of baking powder which has been rectified.
You also mention that you see no benefit for taking baking soda as a gout remedy.
As you can see on this site, there are many people who have controlled their gout using this method. It may not be for you, but it has helped my gout attacks. There is also a mention at the top and the tail of the story that you must seek advice from a doctor or medical professional before using this method.

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