Baking Soda & Health Changes

by albert
(los osos, ca)

I have been drinking distilled water for three months with 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda and a liquid mineral supplement, per gallon...these two re-mineralize and re-alkalize the water. The pH of my drinking water is 7.6. There have been some great changes in health, some subtle. But my ability to think "clearly" is a great benefit. I think the fluoride and chloramines in tap and bottled water are a very bad toxin. I encourage all to research "fluoride" because the accumulation of this chemical over years of ingestion can be drastic. Fluoride is more toxic than lead. Can anyone tell me why this is allowed to be added to 70% of the nation's water supply? Western Europe has banned fluoridation and GMO...why haven't we?

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Oct 26, 2015
by: Anonymous

This is actually the content Now i'm searching for anywhere. thank you gout aware

Jun 15, 2009
gout cure and comfort
by: mark

Like any other illnesses, there are certain dos and don?ts when you suffer from gout. There are dietary requirements with this type of illness. Though you may not like the idea, those who are suffering from gout should follow these to make sure that it will be gone forever. Cure may not be instant, but it is worth it to see that the pain is gone.

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