Baking Soda seems to help my gout

by BR
(Dania Beach, FL USA)

The jury is still out on this treatment, scientifically speaking. It seemed to help me, but I am more excited about trying the tip of stopping flare up ASAP with Vitamin B complex ... NEXT time (never, I hope).

But here is a tip for those who want to try BS (after taking above precautions) for this or other needs to alkalize the body:

Put that nasty tasting powder into easy to swallow capsules, for convenience and practicality.

Easiest way? Put separated capsules into a small plastic bag then add slightly more volume of empty capsules of BS.
Then gently tumble/shake. Capsules will fill right away.

When reassembling capsules, you can lightly moisten the outer rim of the large capsule half, and they will be almost glued shut and not open.

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