Complete relief from uric acid pain, but wow!

I didn't know about the danger of high salt and high blood pressure risks, but I would take mega doses of baking soda until I want to puk it, disgusting stuff. Then I have uncontrollable bowel movement all over my bed when sleeping (had to buy a new mattress at a hotel I was staying at one time), but by the morning I was what I would call 100% uric acid free. I mean as far as I could tell. I would go from that heavy weighty painful feeling of uric acid building up in my feet and legs so unbearable-- I just can't take it anymore, where you put your feet up and you can feel it roll through your insides down to your stomach right into your heart. So bad you don't even want to touch your own skin, bedsheet on you out of the question, can't where shoes and socks, touch your own private part and it is painful---all that to it is gone in one night. I have done this maybe 3 or 4 times with 100% relief, uric acid gone!!! Honestly I am tempted to do it again, but your website introducing me to the high risk of that behavior has me thinking maybe I won't. Another relief is high intake of wheatgrass juice. This seems to bring great relief soometimes. I will try that first, but the mega dose of baking soda is so tempting. Our you sure it is that dangerous? How can I ask a doctor? They will never agree to such a high risk thing. What to do?
Uncle Rod

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