Ernesto Mendoza, Vancouver, BC, Canada

by Ernesto Mendoza
(Vancouver , BC, Canada)

Last night was one of the hardest days of my life so far for my ankle was swollen and i cannot move by myself. I decided to consult a doctor and he diagnosed me as having a Gout. He prescribed Diclofenac Sodium and a laboratory requesition for a Gout testing. In pain and frustrated, i took the medication and started looking for other ways to remove the pain when i found this website, learned about the baking soda solution and tried it . At first im skeptic as always but i tried to cross referenced the information in this site to others about gout and its remedy, realized there was a scientific premise to it. To my surprise when i wake up the next morning the pain is gone and i can move and stand by myself.
This site is telling the truth and for you out there thats suffering , give it a try, youre in pain anyways, it might work. This might not work for everyone, im happy it did to me...Good Luck!

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Apr 01, 2011
Baking simply works!
by: Terri

Hi Ernesto....That's really good news...This website is the absolute best...It's done with professionalism and honesty.....It helps people in DIRE need, who otherwise might not know what to do--like me and you. Peter created this website...Thank you Peter. I thank him and give him praise as much as I can...because I'm so grateful.

I need to buy litmus paper to keep track of my acid level....I feel I never got over the attack, or I'm bordering an attack constantly since my first gout attack in January, 2011.

I started taking the apple cider vinegar and am following a 1600 cal diet a registered dietition gave me.

I just bought dried black beans to keep on hand for bad pain and will do the bbsoup to kick it if and when it happens.

Take care. Terri

Mar 31, 2011
Excellent story about your gout remedy
by: Peter from Gout Aware

Hi Ernesto,
I am pleased you have visited Gout Aware.
Please keep our readers informed of your Gout remedies and gout cures. Write back in a few months time and update how you are going.



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