Glutathione booster for Gout

by Ray
(Adelaide, South Australia)

I have been a sufferer of arthritis for more years than I care to remember, with the onset of gout a few years ago causing more than a little added discomfort. Two years ago a friend introduced me to a product that changed my health (and consequently, my outlook on life) by reducing the causes of inflamation which in turn caused so much pain. Glutathione is a naturally occuring anti-oxidant in the body produced by the liver from the combination of amino acids refered to in other articles on this site. The product I was introduced to is a non-transdermal, non-drug patch which has the effect of stimulating the liver into producing more Glutathione in a natural way. A US Company called LifeWave manufactures the product and its efficacy is proven via double blind, placebo controlled studies and this and other product information is available on their website
I hope this information is of value and assistance to other sufferers and can lead to freedom from the pain of gout (and possibly other ailments).

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Apr 14, 2020
Suggestions for patch placement
by: Anonymous

I have some of those patches from life wave! I am having severe pain in my great toe, and I believe it might be gout, but I do not want to go to a medical facility at this time. Do you have suggestions on placement? Should I put it right on the site that hurts? And how long before you usually see relief for gout with these G patches? Thank you so much!

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