I cured my gout

by Tom In Manitoba

I used to get quite a few gout attacks and over time with lots of research I can control it on my own at pennies a day. If I wake at night and even assume I may be having a gout attack I get up immediately and take a level teaspoon of baking soda along with 2 Ibuprofen tablets. In the morning I squeeze a half lemon and drink the juice with warm water and repeat the baking soda and Ibuprofen four hours after the first dose. In the morning I’m usually pain free and no gout attack is forthcoming, stopped dead!
I told my Doctor about my gout cure and he laughed at me. Doctors make a living prescribing medication and most prescriptions are killing more people than they help. Drug companies push their products to make billions of dollars in profits and it's sad to say that doctors benefit by prescribing them. We are totally over prescribed with prescriptions and conflicting medications.
Indomethicine has tolerable side effects but Allupurinal is nasty causing a magnitude of other problems, it should be banned. Taking Allupurinal during a gout attack intensifies the pain and prolongs the attack. Daily aspirin will prevent Indomethicen from working appropriately. I’m glad to say I don’t take any prescribed medications for gout anymore.
I also watch my diet and have stopped eating foods containing high levels of uric acid. Drinking lots of water is important.
It feels so good since I started using Baking Soda with no prescription side affects. My medical checks up results have been normal.

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May 16, 2018
No gout now for over three years
by: AF DeMario

I am 67 years old, not overweight, and a life-long exerciser who loved beer and sweet red wine. I had gout for eight years. It got progressively worse and more frequent. After I got it in my ankles and I had to crawl to the bathroom and use crutches to get around I decided to take drastic action that ultimately cured me of gout. I took no medications other than over-the-counter pain killers.

I quit drinking alcohol in any form, adopted a lacto-ovo vegetarian diet and used stevia as a sugar substitute, renouncing use of honey or any other form of sugar. I also drank a cup of water with 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda every night before I went to bed. Additionally, I drank up to 8 glasses of water each day.

I kept this up for one year. At the end of that year and having no attacks I began eating fish, meat and fowl of any and all kinds, along with quantities of raw fruit and vegetables and whole grains.

My year-long diet and alcohol abstinence, use of baking soda and flushing my system with lots of water seems to have allowed the crystals in my joints to dissolve and rendered me gout free. I have had no attacks in what is now three years.

I have no doubts that in my case it was the beer, sweet red wine, honey and drinking very little water that brought on the gout and that meat-eating (high purine diet) had nothing to do with it.

Nov 29, 2014
non aluminum baking soda
by: Anonymous

Just wanted to mention that when taking baking soda you should make sure that it is free from aluminum.

Nov 29, 2014
non aluminum baking soda
by: Anonymous

Just wanted to mention that when taking baking soda you should make sure that it is free from aluminum.

Sep 18, 2014
i'm now complety gout free
by: Anonymous

5 years later and my comments haunt me. LOL i was naive back then to natural medicine but have since gone on learn about naturopathy.

Gout is caused by acid. so yes baking sode is very alkaline so it HELPS.

the FULL cure is to eliminate the ACID. by cutting down the acid that goes in through the mouth.
eat alkaline foods and drinks and you cannot have gout long term. its that simple.

if you have gout it is self inflicted but that means you can also get rid of it. by going on a alkaline diet. green juices and smoothies are the best.

Distilled water also dissolves the crystals in the joints over a few weeks and months.

do some clarke liver flushes too.

get pain relief from devils claw and also bitter cherry capsules.

detox the colon of rotting meat.

look into the high carb raw vegan diet or raw till 4. this is the best for GOUT.

Sep 17, 2014
by: vern

water and baking soda with some lemon juice helps.

Mar 06, 2012
3 years gout free
by: Jimbo

Almost 3 years of gout free now..... just wanted to add that cherries work for me as well. but i think the main thing is lots and lots of water. have a couple of days drinking lots and peeing lots. give the ol liver and kidneys a good flushing through. :) once again thanks for this website and info. it makes me wonder what other natural cures are being withheld from public knowledge......

Mar 06, 2012
Baking soda helps greatly
by: meg100464

I'm in the groups that has found that baking soda is not a cure-all, but without question is a great supplement to other medicines. I've had gout attacks for about 7 years and indomethicin has typically taken care of my problems. Last month I had the worst attack I've ever suffered and the medicine was not working. I found the websites touting baking soda as an effective treatment. I called my doctor, who said she didn't see any reason not to try the method out. I started with a half teaspoon one night before bed, and by the morning the swelling and pain was down to a tolerable level. It took about three days for the gout to go away, but as I said this was an extreme case, (the doctor was threatening to drain my toe...)

So, in my opinion - not an instant cure, but more relief than anything I have ever tried, and the cost is next to nothing...If you are suffering and can't seem to get any relief, this needs to be your next treatment.

thanks for the recommendation!

Nov 21, 2011
by: Alex

I came across this website searching for a faster treatment. I've used the prescriptions and diet, but good old baking soda in water works the best and fastest.

At the start of an attack, or even a suspected attack, you know, that weird tinkling right before an attack, That is were I go into action. First I flush my system by drinking plenty of fluids. I like cherry/cranberry juice. I will drink a cup of water with a table spoon of backing soda between meals (you don't want food and baking soda in your stomach at the same time) I try to do this at least 2 times a day with my last cup of the mix right before bed.

If you do this right before an attack, you won't get one. If you do it during an attack, it could be gone with in a day or 2... and at times, with in a few hours.

Just remember, this is not a "cure", but a more natural and safer treatment, then drugs, and it WORKS. It is still important to keep track of your uric acid intake. LOW PURINE DIET!!

Feb 22, 2009
its worked for me......Baking soda helped my Gout
by: Jimbo

i had the pain of gout almost constanty for about 6 weeks. i've had it on and of for about 3 years now. i just put up with it but gradualy it was changing my life for the worst (not going out-grumpy all the time). i didn't want to tell anyone as its kinda my own fault as i drink quite a lot. I finanly went to the doctors and quite frankly they were rubbish. one even laughed at me..... the next put me on these horrid tablets that made me sick and didn't offer any relief!!!! (***holes) anyway i tried the baking soda and almost a few hours later i was feeling slightly better. 2 days later i was cured (i hope) and now its been 10 weeks pain free!!!!! I'm certain the baking soda cured me, and i'm so happy i want to tell everyone who is suffering to just try it. you have nothing to loose. and i might add that i didn't take as much as the info says to (i was dubious). what i did....

1/8 teaspoon of baking soda in a little water. (after lunch)

then same again next morning. drink a pint of water too if you can handle it.

i repeated for 3 days but on the third day i was allready feeling better..... thats kinda it......... i also recomend mixing ibuprofen and paracetamol to ease pain fast. i feel the baking soda was helped by taking these. i was on 800mg of ibuprofen and 1000mg paracetamol TWICE a day. now i take nothing... i'm feeling great. ironicly as i'm in painless and go out more. my drinking is down loads too. anyway thanks to whoever came up with the cure and shared it with the world. i'm here to say that it worked for me and if you have gout, give it a bash and spread the word.


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